Why is NOW the best time to promote and build a team?

Director promotion

POST #5: What should you expect from this Fall/Winter Season with your business? Why is NOW the BEST time to promote and build a team?

July is Ready, Set, Sell and with the Baseball Bonanza we already have teams set up for success!  You can check your teams bookings by 1) asking them what bookings they have on the books 2) checking their back office by going to their http://www.mythirtyone.com/consultantid#

August is going to be AMAZING with the new Fall catalog!

Sept-Nov is our busiest, most profitable time of the entire year! You will get more bookings, more sales and MORE RECRUITS during these 3 months than the rest of the year combined. Most importantly, you need to know that this selling season is about two things and two things only: FREE Personalized Christmas Gifts and EXTRA MONEY for Christmas.

Here’s our “Typical” Fall/Winter-Month layout:

August: Brand new catalog; HUGE Customer Special kick off

September: Bookings from the new catalog and people start thinking about Christmas!

October: UTILIZE Home parties AND catalog parties.

November: LOAD the beginning of November (before Thanksgiving) with all of your November parties and load the END of the month with parties utilizing the December Customer Special to submit parties in Dec without actually having to have multiple parties during the month of Christmas. Turkey Trots are GREAT!

December: Hardest sales month of the year, but is DO-ABLE if you PLAN ahead and back-load November with extra parties! Also, start looking NOW for Holiday Bazaars in your area for the first two weekends of December and book NOW Christmas Parties for the first two weeks of the month. Guaranteed Christmas Delivery Deadline is typically around Dec 10-12 every year.

**** Key theme and expectation throughout the season: The difference between a GOOD consultant and a SUCCESSFUL consultant is planning. You should ALWAYS be planning AHEAD in your business.****

How far in advanced are you already planning for your business? If you aren’t planning ahead already, why not??? What is stopping you or preventing you from doing so?

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